5 Helpful Daylight Savings Time Tips For Families, As We “Spring Forward” On March 9th

1. Gradually Adjust Bedtime

In the days leading up to daylight savings time, gradually shift your kids’ bedtime by 15 minutes later each night to help your child “spring forward”. This will help them adjust to the new time without too much disruption.

2. Maintain Consistent Routines

Try to keep your family’s daily routine as consistent as possible, even with the time change. This includes meal times, nap schedules, and screen time limits. Stability helps children adapt to changes more easily.

3. Get Plenty of Sunlight

Exposure to natural light can help reset your body’s internal clock. After the time change, try to spend time outside during the day to help everyone in the family adjust to the new schedule. Morning light is especially effective in helping wake up earlier.

4. Be Mindful of Sleep Needs

With the time shift, some family members may feel groggy or more tired than usual. Make sure everyone is getting enough sleep to avoid irritability or sleep deprivation. This is especially important for younger children who need more sleep.

5. Be Flexible with Naps and Meals

The time change can throw off your child’s hunger cues and nap times. Try to be flexible and let them eat and nap based on how they’re feeling, but gradually steer them back to their regular schedule over a few days.

These small adjustments can help make the transition smoother and reduce stress for the whole family!

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